ldong 发表于 2014-4-2 16:27:58

美国女摄影师Emily Blincoe的一组摄影作品:一个星期三的霍利


today i wanted to share some select images from my portrait shoot a couple weeks ago with miss holley fain. this was most definitely one of my favorite portrait sessions i've shot.not only because holley was such a pleasure to work with (not to mention, absolutely stunning), but because i snagged the keys to an old two-room schoolhouse out in the middle of nowhere for the shoot.i believe this is the last two-room schoolhouse in texas.it was incredible!the windows and the light were enough to make me want to move in.to top it off, a breeze and loud thunder serenaded us just before the sky opened up with rain.after the storm passed, we were left with a giant double rainbow across the surrounding farmland sky.on the drive home, i had to pull over to watch the lightening storm off in the distance.it was unlike anything i have ever seen.

楼下更精彩 >>

ldong 发表于 2014-4-2 16:31:36

jammyj 发表于 2014-4-21 14:13:13


qzuser 发表于 2014-4-22 01:34:20

好好 学习了 确实不错

反转时针 发表于 2014-4-22 05:02:28


ldong 发表于 2014-4-22 07:34:24


ucart 发表于 2014-4-22 19:02:17


挥笔画素描_ひ 发表于 2019-2-4 11:41:11

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查看完整版本: 美国女摄影师Emily Blincoe的一组摄影作品:一个星期三的霍利